And Breathe Out

Well, it’s been quite the summer. As I sit here on Labor Day and reflect on the summer, I recognize that it’s been busy. I’ve been fortunate to see multiple friends get married, had pretty smooth flights in a summer of crazy air travel. I’ve been lucky. As a textbook introvert, I’m looking forward to the fall. I don’t have any additional travel scheduled. I enjoy the autumn weather. College football is one of my favorite sports, and although my BGSU Falcons are off to a slow start, I have faith that this will be a good season.

I’ve felt a little odd all summer. Like I’ve been so fortunate to be a part of so many things and to see my friends, but also been tired. For the next couple of months, I am looking forward to finding my routines again. I’m a creature of habit. I enjoy getting to bed and getting up at the same time. Getting my running base back to where it should be now that the injuries have healed. A few of my web projects have taken a backseat so I’m looking forward to working on those again.

It was a great summer, and I will remember it forever but I’m glad autumn is here.