Morning People

This tweet cropped up this week.

It’s a very Twitter tweet. Who was responsible for giving this power? Who is the “we”? What power are we discussing? Getting past the snarky responses that immediately come to me, I know what they mean.

I am a morning person. I won’t scream “good morning” at you or anything like that but my best brain power is in the morning. I usually get up at 5am and try to start work between 7am and 7:30am. I find that those first 2-3 hours of work are when I do my best thinking. This fits well with my work schedule but if I were a person who did their best thinking between 9pm and midnight, that probably wouldn’t overlap with most corporate work hours. I can understand how that would be frustrating for night owls. I wonder what the world would look like if people could work during times that work best for them. It couldn’t happen for every business but I think it might be an interesting unlock for the businesses that could enable it.